A downloadable game

"Protège ta parcelle" is a serious game I developed for VetAgro Sup, an agronomy and veterinary college in Lempdes.

It was made using the javascript framework "Phaser" and attached to a PHP backend using AJAX. Database management was done using MySQL as it was both simple and powerful enough to fulfill the needs of the project.

The goal of the player was to defend a set of farming plots against bioagressors using good practices like the use of animals auxiliaries. This was meant to be used as a tool for agronomy student to review their lessons.

Every move played was then recorded as a Json file for future commentary (a player could therefore check their game history to know which mistakes they commonly made or how they performed on each difficulty level). Data like crop types, bioagressors, practices and custom scenario were also stored as Json and could be edited from a separate admin interface, making it easy to improve the game with new gameplay on the fly.

Art by Lise Denis.

Original concept by Gaelle Marliac.